What We Believe

Community Bible Fellowship Church is a theologically conservative evangelical church and is a part of the Bible Fellowship Church (BFC) denomination. As a part of the BFC, we here at Community Bible Fellowship Church affirm the Articles of Faith that define the core beliefs of each church in the BFC. These articles of Faith can be found at Articles of Faith - The Bible Fellowship Church (bfc.org)

Sometimes we are asked what makes us distinct as a church. To answer this plainly, we have a high view of God and His Word. Everything we do and believe is a by-product of this truth. Why this might seem like a cliche answer to some, it really does get at the heart of who we are. We are people who are striving to be shaped and informed by God and His Word, and not the things of this world that are constantly battling for our affections. 

This is also why we affirm the "5 Solas" of the reformation. During the period of the Protestant Reformation, in the 16th century, those seeking to reform the church have been described by using five things that made them distinct. Looking back, we can see that these things made those reformers and the churches that came out of the time distinct. We believe that this distinction is still helpful today. If this is new to you, the word "sola" is a Latin word that means "alone." It is used to indicate the supremacy of the following 5 things for the church. 

  • The first "sola" is "Sola Scriptura" or Scripture Alone. This was used to describe that Scripture, not the traditions or creativity of man, is our ultimate authority. (2 Timothy 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Isaiah 40:8; Psalm 19:7-11; Hebrews 4:12; John 17:17)  
  • The second is "Solus Christus" or Christ Alone. This highlights that Christ alone is our hope of salvation. Christ is at the center of the story of Scripture, and Christ alone has secured our right standing before God. (John 14:6, Luke 24:27; Matthew 1:21; Acts 4:12) 
  • The third is "Sola Fide" or Faith Alone. This emphasized that salvation in Christ Alone according to Scripture Alone is by Faith Alone. This meant that it was not the result of someone earning it through good works, penance, or even giving. (Ephesians 2:8-9; Galatians 2:16; Romans 3:28; Romans 5:1; Philippians 3:9) 
  • The fourth is "Sola Gratia" or Grace Alone. Here we acknowledge that our Salvation in Christ alone according to Scripture alone by faith alone, is the result of grace alone. Grace has been defined as God's generous disposition by which He lavishes us with good things that we do not deserve. Only because of God's grace poured out upon an undeserving people do we have hope of salvation in Christ Alone! (Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 5:20-21; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10; John 1:16-17; Romans 6:14; 1 Corinthians 15:10; Titus 2:11-14) 
  • The fifth is "Soli Deo Gloria" or The Glory of God Alone! Here we acknowledge that all of life, including salvation, is for God's glory alone! This is to the exclusion of humanity's self-glorification and pride. We recognize that only one gets the glory for our salvation and that is God alone. (Ephesians 3:20-21; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Revelation 4:11; 1 Corinthians 6:10; Isaiah 42:8; Philippians 2:9-11)

Along with that we also affirm the 5 core values of the Bible Fellowship Church denomination. 

1. We Value the Bible

The Bible is our final authority for life and living. It undergirds all that we believe and do. Our doctrine and principles of living, stated in the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, express our understanding of the Bible. We are committed to making sure that our churches conform to the clear teaching of the Bible as expressed in the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church.

2. We Value Worship of God/Fellowship with God

Our purpose is to worship God. Through Christ’s atoning work, we have fellowship with God, allowing us the privilege of bringing glory and praise to God. In prayer, we indicate our dependent relationship and communion with God. Our fellowship with God transforms us so that in daily life we conduct ourselves with Christ-like integrity and love. 

3. We Value Fellowship with God’s people

Fellowship with God’s people connects us as the body of Christ. Fellowship is evidenced by developing intentional loving relationships within each church and among the churches. Therefore, we encourage our churches to nurture deeper fellowship within each church and provide opportunities for our churches to meet and minister together. 

4. We Value the Church

The Church is the earthly manifestation of the body of Christ. Within a church preaching/teaching are used to make disciples of Jesus Christ. The church functions as an extended family, intentionally strengthening each individual and family unit, while developing servant leaders. Each member is to be involved in ministry, exercising spiritual gifts with excellence. 

5. We Value the Church’s Mission

The Mission of the church is the Great Commission, a commitment to reaching the lost of the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples of all nations by baptizing and teaching them to obey the commandments of God. We are committed to this pursuit in all that we do as a local church.



Vision . . .

We are committed to reaching people in the Upper Perkiomen Valley with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by dedicating ourselves to prayer and the proclamation of the Gospel. We desire to be a people who live in such a way as to reflect God's truth and love to the world. Being a people who value God centered worship, the right handling of God's Word in teaching and preaching, as well as being committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus to those around us.



Leadership . . .

The church is overseen and pastored by a plurality of elders. One of those elders serves alongside the elders as the “pastor” of the church. We also have those who have taken on the official responsibility and role of assisting the elders through serving and ministering to the needs of the congregation as deacons. Along with these two offices, we have many lay people in the church that serve in very important ways to help us fulfill our mission and vision.

Bible Fellowship Church

The Bible Fellowship Church is a fellowship of local churches, centered upon the Word of God, and committed to reaching the lost through the transforming power of the Gospel.  Over 10,000 people gather for worship in our churches every week.  We seek to plant churches within the United States, as well as reach individuals for Jesus Christ all over the world through international missions.  Find out more about our doctrine, how to find a church, our history, our associated ministries, and much more by clicking on the

links provided on our website.
